Free Seminar – Incident Reporting/PMS – 13 June – Lund

Let’s talk about incident reporting, one of the important Post Market Surveillance activities for companies that place medical devices on the market.

After years of development and testing, bringing your medical device to market is an exciting achievement. 

However, your work isn’t finished yet. Once your product is in the hands of the public, you must ensure it continues to meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers. This is where post-market surveillance (PMS) comes into play.

QAdvis newest consultant with previous experience from Läkemedelsverket, Marie Mathiasson.

13 June, 14.00 – 15.00 including Q&A

Welcome to a pre-chat with coffee and cake (get some Swedish fika) from 13.30, meet our speaker and mingle with other industry colleagues. 

Location: Medicon Village
The main reception is located in The Spark at Scheeletorget 1 in Lund. More detailed information will be sent to you the day before the event.

Register at Eventbrite

Note: The event is free but space is limited. If you are not able to participate, we urge you to make a cancelation as soon as possible or assign your place to a colleague. (If you register but don’t attend, you will be charged 200 SEK.)

If you have any question, contact us at